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Mike Oldfield


Born: 15 May 1953

Years Active: 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: New Age, Pop/Rock

Styles: Prog-Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental, Neo-Classical, Contemporary Instrumental

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Composer Mike Oldfield rose to fame on the success of Tubular Bells, an eerie, album-length conceptual piece employed to stunning effect in the film The Exorcist. Born May 15, 1953, in Reading, England, Oldfield began his professional career at the age of 14, forming the Sallyangie folk duo with his sister Sally; a year later, the siblings issued their debut LP, Children of the Sun. By the age of 16, he was playing bass with Soft Machine founder Kevin Ayers' group the Whole World alongside experimental classical arranger David Bedford and avant...


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