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Formed: 1969

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, Prog-Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental, Heavy Metal, Psychedelic/Garage, British Psychedelia, Psychedelic

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Any sci-fi fan with long memories probably remembers those 1970's DAW paperback editions of Michael Moorcock's sword-and-sorcery novels, with their images of heavily armored, very muscular warriors, carrying large swords and standing against eerie land- and starscapes. Take that imagery, throw in some terminology and names seemingly lifted from the Marvel Comics of the era (The Watcher, etc.) and particle physics articles of the period, translate it into loud but articulate hard rock music, and that's more or less what Hawkwind is about. One of...


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