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Born: 01 January 1970

Years Active: 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Electronic, Pop/Rock, Avant-Garde

Styles: Experimental Electronic, Modern Composition, Ambient, Electronica, Kraut Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental, Prog-Rock, Experimental

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The most important and consistently underrated space rock unit of the '70s, Cluster (originally Kluster) was formed by Dieter Moebius, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, and Conrad Schnitzler as an improv group that used everything from synthesizers to alarm clocks and kitchen utensils in their performances. Continuing on as a duo, Moebius and Roedelius eventually recorded many landmark LPs -- separately, as a duo, and with all manner of guest artists from Brian Eno to Conny Plank to Neu!'s Michael Rother -- in the field of German space music often termed...


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