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Prince Far I


Born: 01 January 1945

Died: 15 September 1983

Years Active: 70, 80

Genres: Reggae, Electronic, International

Styles: DJ/Toasting, Reggae/Caribbean, Reggae/Caribbean, Dub, Ambient, Electronica

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One of the many voices of the roots era, Prince Far I was absolutely unique. He certainly cannot be categorized as a singer, although at times -- especially during chanted passages -- there was definitely a singsong quality to his vocals, and in that respect the closest comparison was to Winston Rodney of Burning Spear. However, that group actually wrote lyrics, while Prince Far I vocals were a stream of consciousness that belongs in the DJ realm. But to call him a toaster is equally inaccurate. His delivery was reminiscent of an Old Testament ...


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