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Formed: 1978

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Electronic, Pop/Rock, R&B

Styles: Synth Pop, New Wave, Punk/New Wave, Euro-Pop, Europop, Post-Disco, Alternative Dance, Hip-Hop/Urban, Disco, Dance, R&B/Soul

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Telex was a synth-disco trio formed in Brussels, Belgium, in 1978 by keyboardist Marc Moulin, who had previously performed with Cos. He was joined by vocalist Michel Moers and composer/synthesist Dan Lacksman, and together, Telex crafted a slick, stylish brand of Europop/disco with relaxed tempos and often-processed vocals. Their debut album, Looking for Saint-Tropez, was released in 1979, containing signature songs like the title track, "Moskow Diskow," and slowed-down covers of "Rock Around the Clock" and Plastic Bertrand's "Ca Plane Pour Moi...

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