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Formed: 1969

Years Active: 70, 80

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Prog-Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental, Contemporary Pop/Rock, Pop/Rock, Album Rock, Hard Rock, Arena Rock, Soft Rock

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Once upon a time in 1969, a young Dutch millionaire by the name of Stanley August Miesegaes gave his acquaintance, vocalist and keyboardist Rick Davies, a "genuine opportunity" to form his own band; he could form the band of his dreams and Miesegaes would pay for it. After placing an ad in Melody Maker, Davies assembled Supertramp alongside co-founders Roger Hodgson (vocals, piano, guitar, cello), Richard Palmer (vocals, guitar, balalaika), and former stage actor Robert Millar (percussion, harmonica). Supertramp released two long-winded progres...


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