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Steve Walsh


Born: 15 June 1951

Years Active: 80, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, Arena Rock, Album Rock, Heavy Metal, Prog-Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental

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As the vocalist for Kansas, Steve Walsh's strong and certain delivery made "Carry On Wayward Son," "Dust in the Wind," and "Point of Know Return" radio staples of the '70s. He also fronted the short-lived Streets and sporadically issued solo albums, one of which has landed on numerous "worst album cover" lists. Born in St. Joseph, MO, Walsh's family moved to Kansas when he was 12. Records by the Vanilla Fudge, the Yardbirds, the Seeds, and Iron Butterfly were teenage favorites and influenced Walsh to try his own had at rock & roll. He could sin...


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