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Formed: 1988

Died: 01 January 1996

Years Active: 80, 90

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Alternative/Indie Rock, Shoegaze, Alternative Pop/Rock, Dream Pop, Noise Pop, Indie Pop, British Trad Rock, Britpop

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With their first records, Ride created a unique wall of sound that relied on massive, trembling distortion in the vein of My Bloody Valentine but with a simpler, more direct melodic approach. The shatteringly loud, droning neo-psychedelia the band performed was dubbed shoegazing by the British press because the bandmembers stared at the stage while they performed. Along with their initial influence, My Bloody Valentine, Ride stood apart from the shoegazing pack, primarily because of their keen sense of songcraft and dynamics. For a while, the b...


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  • Please add the 14-song expanded version of Going Blank Again. Thanks!

    2012-10-20 21:04:14 from AJV .

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