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Formed: 1997

Died: 01 January 2002

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Alternative/Indie Rock, Britpop, Alternative Pop/Rock, Chamber Pop, Indie Pop, Indie Rock

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Louis Elliot and Jonny Bull began their Brit-pop ventures in fall 1991 under the guise of Kinky Machine. With a dedicated, albeit small cult following, they broke into the U.K. Top Ten in 1992 and added a Manic Street Preachers tour to their credentials. 1993 brought a debut album and a 1995 sophomore effort, Bent; however, their style decreased in rarity as acts like Elastica exploded internationally. This, fueled by management and label woes, caused Kinky Machine to dissipate. Early in 1997 Bull and Elliot, along with the latter's old friend ...


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