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Mira Calix

South Africa

Born: 06 May 1969

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Electronic

Styles: Electronica, Experimental Techno, Techno, IDM, Experimental Ambient, Ambient Techno

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A promoter, DJ and formerly a publicist at Warp Records, Mira Calix was signed to her own Warp contract in 1996 to record abstract ambience that relies on a wide variety of sound sources, organic or otherwise. Born and raised in South Africa, she moved to London in 1991 and began working at the Ambient Soho store on Berwick St., while DJing and throwing parties with her flatmate, Solid Steel mixer Strictly Kev. She began working at Warp, and recorded a single ("Llanga," featuring a Gescom co-production credit) and an EP (Pin Skeeling) before ma...


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