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Mills Brothers


Formed: 1928

Years Active: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80

Genres: Vocal, Jazz, Stage & Screen

Styles: Show Tunes, Cast Recordings, Cast Recordings, Traditional Pop, Vocal/Standards, Swing, Big Band/Swing, Vocal Pop, Early Jazz, New Orleans/Classic Jazz, Harmony Vocal Group

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An astonishing vocal group that grew into one of the longest-lasting oldies acts in American popular music, the Mills Brothers quickly moved from novelty wonders to pop successes and continued amazing audiences for decades. Originally billed as "Four Boys and a Guitar," the group's early records came complete with a note assuring listeners that the only musical instrument they were hearing was a guitar. The caution was understandable, since the Mills Brothers were so proficient at re-creating trumpets, trombones, and saxophones with only their ...


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