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Mercury Rev


Formed: 1989

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, College Rock, Dream Pop, Noise Pop, Indie Pop

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Not so much a band as a long, strange trip, the chaotic avant pop pranksters Mercury Rev formed in Buffalo, NY, in the late '80s. Originally comprised of vocalist David Baker, vocalist/silver pickup guitarist Jonathan Donahue, guitar shaper/single-exhaust clarinetist Grasshopper (born Sean Mackowiak), rooster-tail bass flutist Suzanne Thorpe, bass explorer Dave Fridmann, and mojo stick drummer Jimy Chambers, the sextet -- always rife with personality conflicts -- interacted with one another infrequently, and their first recordings evolved simpl...


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