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Mac Wiseman


Born: 23 May 1925

Years Active: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Country

Styles: Progressive Bluegrass, Bluegrass, Progressive Country, Traditional Bluegrass, Traditional Country, Contemporary Bluegrass, Contemporary Country, Truck Driving Country, Honky Tonk

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Famed for his clear and mellow tenor voice, Mac Wiseman recorded with many great bluegrass bands, including those of Molly O'Day, Flatt & Scruggs, Bill Monroe, and the Osborne Brothers; his command of traditional material made him much in demand by bluegrass and folk fans alike. Wiseman was born in Crimora, VA and grew up influenced by traditional and religious music and such radio stars as Montana Slim Carter. Wiseman started out working as a radio announcer in Harrisonburg in 1944. At the same time he worked as a singer with Buddy Starcher. H...


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