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Lisa Nilsson


Born: 13 August 1970

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, R&B

Styles: Urban, Hip-Hop/Urban, R&B/Soul, Contemporary Pop/Rock, Pop/Rock, Swedish Pop/Rock, Euro-Pop, Europop

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Lisa Nilsson is probably the only Swedish artist ever on whom the epithet "soul diva" hasn't felt totally misplaced. The label has been lasting, but is actually only true about one period of her career, the most successful one. After first getting known as a rock singer in the '80s, she released a couple of slick pop-soul albums in the early '90s, containing songs written by even slicker Mauro Scocco, and scored a major hit with "Himlen Runt Hörnet." Her late '90s and early 2000s albums have been less soul-influenced, if still very ballad heav...


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