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Level 42


Formed: 1980

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Jazz

Styles: Jazz-Funk, Fusion, Soul Jazz/Groove, Sophisti-Pop, New Wave, Punk/New Wave, Contemporary Pop/Rock, Pop/Rock

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At the beginning of their career, Level 42 was squarely a jazz-funk fusion band, contemporaries of fellow Brit funk groups like Atmosfear, Light of the World, Incognito, and Beggar & Co. By the end of the '80s, however, the band -- whose music was instantly recognizable from Mark King's thumb-slap bass technique and associate member Wally Badarou's synthesizer flourishes -- had crossed over to the point where they were often classified as sophisti-pop and dance-rock, equally likely to be placed in the context of Sade and the Style Council as an...


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