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Leslie Bricusse


Born: 29 January 1931

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Stage & Screen, Pop/Rock

Styles: Show Tunes, Cast Recordings, Musicals, Movie Themes, Film Music, Soundtracks

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Leslie Bricusse was among the most prolific and popular songwriters of the post-war era, authoring numerous hits for both the stage (Stop the World -- I Want to Get Off, The Roar of the Greasepaint -- The Smell of the Crowd) and the screen (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Dr. Doolittle). Bricusse was born January 29, 1931, in London and while attending Cambridge University, served as president of the school's famed Footlights Revue Club, co-writing, directing, and starring in his first two musical shows, Out of the Blue and Lady at the Whe...


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