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Keaton Simons

Years Active: 90

Genres: Pop/Rock, Blues, Folk

Styles: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Contemporary Singer/Songwriter, Contemporary Folk, Singer/Songwriter, Modern Acoustic Blues, Blues Revival, Country Blues, Folk-Blues, Acoustic Blues

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The bluesy singer/songwriter confessionals heard on Keaton Simons' first collection, Currently, barely hint at the varied depth of musicianship and experience that hide behind the music's relaxed demeanor. As a youngster growing up in the Los Angeles area, Simons had a natural flair for playing instruments, and by his early teens had already decided to pursue a career in music. In addition to co-founding the jazz-influenced group Nobody Knows, he took on gigs all over the city and eventually found himself involved in L.A.'s hip-hop scene playin...


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