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Jose Merce


Born: 19 April 1955

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: International, Folk

Styles: Flamenco, Western Europe, European Folk, Western Europe, Gypsy, Central Europe, Central Europe, Traditional European Folk, South/Eastern European Traditions, Eastern Europe

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Flamenco cantador José Mercé (born José Soto Soto) began singing at the age of six, becoming a soloist in his local church, La Basílica de la Merced in Jerez, while improving his natural skills by participating in Antonio Gades' theater company. It was during the early '70s that Mercé moved to Madrid to join a new generation of flamenco performers, such as Camarón (born José Monge Cruz), also known as El Camarón de la Isla; Tomatito (born Manuel Moreno Junquera); and talented guitarist Paco de Lucía. He performed with Gades until the m...


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