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Jon Butcher


Born: 01 January 1950

Years Active: 80, 90

Genres: Pop/Rock, Blues

Styles: Blues-Rock, Electric Texas Blues, Modern Electric Blues, Modern Electric Texas Blues, Rock & Roll/Roots, Hard Rock

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Jimi Hendrix disciple Jon Butcher achieved some moderate chart success in the mid-'80s as the singer/guitarist for the Jon Butcher Axis. Coming out of the Boston club scene in the early '80s, the Butcher Axis (which also included members Chris Mann on bass and Derek Blevins on drums), issued such albums as 1983's self-titled debut, 1984's Stare at the Sun, and 1985's Along the Axis (Butcher dropped the Axis for such releases as 1986's Wishes and 1989's Pictures From the Front), opened for local Boston heroes the J. Geils Band in addition to oth...

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