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Icon of Coil


Formed: 1997

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Electronic

Styles: Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Synth Pop, New Wave, Punk/New Wave, Industrial Dance, Electro-Industrial

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Talented musician Andy LaPlegua is no stranger to the music circuit, for he's a veteran of the Detroit hip-hop band LAW, the industrial band Devils Into Crime, and the punk-metal outfits My Right Choice and Lash Out. LaPlegua, who is a native of Norway, has also had his hand in the trance market, collaborating with Sector 9 and Plastic Life. But Icon of Coil, founded in 1998, was a long time coming for this perfectionist in search of yet another musical region and this time an experimental industrial route. Christian Lund and Melt's Sebastian K...


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