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Formed: 1991

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Alternative/Indie Rock, Goth Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Neo-Glam, Britpop, Hard Rock, Goth Metal, Alternative Metal, Heavy Metal

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After forming in Finland in 1995, H.I.M. (or His Infernal Majesty) set out on the path of goth forebears like Sisters of Mercy and the Mission UK. Vocalist and songwriter Ville Hermanni Valo was the band's founding member, alongside bassist Migé Amour, guitarist Lily Lazer, drummer Mikka Karppinen (aka Gas Lipstick), and keyboardist Zoltan Pluto. The 1996 EP 666 Ways to Love was the group's first recording, and it did quite well in Scandinavia. One year later, Greatest Love Songs, Vol. 666 solidified their cult status throughout the region; it...


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