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Gene Krupa


Born: 15 January 1909

Died: 16 October 1973

Years Active: 40, 50, 60, 70

Genres: Jazz

Styles: Big Band, Big Band/Swing, Dixieland, Early Jazz, New Orleans/Classic Jazz, Swing

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The first drummer to be a superstar, Gene Krupa may not have been the most advanced drummer of the 1930s but he was in some ways the most significant. Prior to Krupa, drum solos were a real rarity and the drums were thought of as a merely supportive instrument. With his good looks and colorful playing, he became a matinee idol and changed the image of drummers forever. Gene Krupa made history with his first record. For a session in 1927 with the McKenzie-Condon Chicagoans, he became the first musician to use a full drum set on records. He was p...


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