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Davy Graham


Born: 22 November 1940

Died: 15 December 2008

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Folk, Pop/Rock, Blues, Jazz, Country

Styles: Celtic/British Isles, Traditional Folk, British Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, British Folk, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Progressive Folk, Contemporary Folk, Folk-Blues, Acoustic Blues, Country Blues, Folk Jazz

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Davy Graham was one of the most eclectic guitarists of the 1960s, and his mixture of folk, blues, jazz, Middle Eastern sounds, and Indian ragas was an important catalyst of the British folk scene. Like Sandy Bull and John Fahey -- two folk-based guitarists with a similar taste for genre-bending experimentation -- Graham could not be said to be a rock musician. But like Bull and Fahey, he shared the eagerness of the '60s psychedelic rockers to stretch out and incorporate unpredictable influences into his music. While he wasn't much of a singer, ...


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