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Compton's Most Wanted


Formed: 1987

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Rap, R&B

Styles: Hip-Hop/Urban, Hardcore Rap, Hip-Hop/Urban, G-Funk, Gangsta Rap, West Coast Rap, Golden Age

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Though N.W.A got most of the recognition, Compton's Most Wanted also did much to popularize and proliferate early-'90s West Coast gangsta rap. Led by future solo artist MC Eiht and legendary West Coast electro producer the Unknown DJ, this Compton, CA, group (also known as CMW) reveled in themes involving primarily guns, women, gangs, and drugs, setting the precedent for what would eventually become cliché. More importantly, the group possessed a knack for writing laid-back gangsta ballads characterized not so much by aggression but rather by ...


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