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Casey Stratton


Born: 16 October 1976

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Country, Folk

Styles: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Singer/Songwriter, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Contemporary Pop/Rock, Pop/Rock

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Singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and Interlochen Arts Academy graduate Casey Stratton began his musical tutelage at the age of eight. After years of disciplined training in the classical field he began to explore popular music -- Joni Mitchell, Peter Gabriel -- and develop a relationship with literature -- T.S. Eliot, Joseph Campbell -- that would go on to permeate his work. Stratton left his home in Michigan for Los Angeles, where he met producer Patrick Leonard -- Elton John and Jewel -- and in 2002 was voted one of the Top 100 Artis...

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