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Born: 01 January 1968

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, British Metal, Heavy Metal

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Often thought of as a cross between Black Sabbath (due to their plodding, molten-heavy riffs) and Rush (due to their singer's high-pitched, Geddy Lee-esque wail), the somewhat obscure British metal outfit Budgie has influenced countless outfits, despite enduring countless lineup shifts throughout their history. The group originally formed in 1967 in Cardiff, Wales, comprised of members Burke Shelley (vocals, bass), Tony Bourge (guitar), and Raymond Phillips (drums), and by the early '70s, they'd inked a deal with MCA Records. This early lineup ...


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  • LP from the Band Bugie "Never Turn Your Back On A Friend"

    2012-07-02 16:57:42 from Joerg .

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