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Big Mountain


Formed: 1991

Died: 01 January 2001

Years Active: 90

Genres: Reggae, Pop/Rock, International

Styles: Reggae-Pop, Reggae/Caribbean, Contemporary Reggae, Reggae/Caribbean, Adult Contemporary, Soft Rock

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Much like UB40, American reggae band Big Mountain brought a very commercialized version of Jamaican music to the American mainstream when their cover of Peter Frampton's "Baby, I Love Your Way" reached the Top Ten in early 1994. To the band's credit, though, its three albums contain reggae roots music combined with only several R&B-ish covers, and the lineup includes two Jamaicans with excellent credentials: rhythm guitarist Tony Chin and drummer Santa Davis -- both of whom played with Peter Tosh's band and the Soul Syndicate. Big Mountain were...


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