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Bettye Lavette


Born: 26 January 1946

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: R&B

Styles: Soul, R&B/Soul, Urban, Hip-Hop/Urban, Northern Soul

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A perennial cult favorite in Northern soul circles, singer Bettye LaVette was born in Muskegon, MI, on January 29, 1946. Raised primarily across the state in Detroit, at 16 she cut her first sides for the local Lupine label, with a test pressing of the disc making its way to Atlantic Records. After signing with Atlantic, she scored an R&B Top Ten hit out of the box with her debut single, "My Man -- He's a Loving Man," only to fail to reach the same commercial heights again. After one more Atlantic release, 1963's "You'll Never Change," LaVette ...


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