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Benny Carter


Born: 08 August 1907

Died: 12 July 2003

Years Active: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Jazz, Blues

Styles: Big Band, Big Band/Swing, Swing, Mainstream Jazz, Bop, New Orleans/Classic Jazz, Jump Blues, East Coast Blues, Urban Blues

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To say that Benny Carter had a remarkable and productive career would be an extreme understatement. As an altoist, arranger, composer, bandleader, and occasional trumpeter, Carter was at the top of his field since at least 1928, and in the late '90s, Carter was as strong an altoist at the age of 90 as he was in 1936 (when he was merely 28). His gradually evolving style did not change much through the decades, but neither did it become at all stale or predictable except in its excellence. Benny Carter was a major figure in every decade of the 20...


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