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Art Tatum


Born: 13 October 1909

Died: 05 November 1956

Years Active: 40, 50

Genres: Jazz, Blues

Styles: Swing, Big Band/Swing, Stride, Early Jazz, New Orleans/Classic Jazz, Boogie-Woogie, Piano Blues

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Art Tatum was among the most extraordinary of all jazz musicians, a pianist with wondrous technique who could not only play ridiculously rapid lines with both hands (his 1933 solo version of "Tiger Rag" sounds as if there were three pianists jamming together) but was harmonically 30 years ahead of his time; all pianists have to deal to a certain extent with Tatum's innovations in order to be taken seriously. Able to play stride, swing, and boogie-woogie with speed and complexity that could only previously be imagined, Tatum's quick reflexes and...


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