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Alberta Hunter


Born: 01 April 1895

Died: 17 October 1984

Years Active: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80

Genres: Blues, Vocal, Jazz

Styles: Classic Female Blues, Country Blues, Piano Blues, Pre-War Blues, Pre-War Country Blues, Standards, Hard Bop, Traditional Pop, Vocal/Standards, Jazz Blues, Jump Blues/Piano Blues

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Alberta Hunter was a pioneering African-American popular singer whose path crosses the streams of jazz, blues and pop music. While she made important contributions to all of these stylistic genres, she is claimed exclusively by no single mode of endeavor. Hunter recorded in six decades of the twentieth century, and enjoyed a career in music that outlasted most human lives. Hunter was born in Memphis, and depending on which account you read, she either ran away from home or her family relocated to Chicago when she was 12-years-old. Her career be...


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