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Sheila Chandra


Born: 14 March 1965

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: International, Electronic, Pop/Rock, Vocal

Styles: Worldbeat, Ambient, Electronica, Indian Pop, South Asia, Dance-Pop, Dance, Club/Dance

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One of the most unusual and successful singers of the '80s and '90s that has attempted to fuse the music of non-Western cultures with Western pop, Sheila Chandra began recording as a teenager in Monsoon. Of Indian ancestry but born and raised in Britain, Chandra took lead vocals in the band, which pursued a sort of new wave-tinged raga rock along the lines of George Harrison's explorations on Beatles tracks like "Love You To." The combination yielded an album and an unexpected British hit single, "Ever So Lonely," in the early '80s. Chandra, ho...


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