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Asian Dub Foundation


Formed: 1993

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Electronic, Pop/Rock

Styles: Club/Dance, Dance, Electronica, Rap-Rock, Alternative Metal, Alternative Pop/Rock, Hard Rock

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Asian Dub Foundation formed in 1993 as an outgrowth of the documentary Identical Beat, a film shot at London's Farringdon Community Music House, the site of a series of summer workshops designed to teach Asian children the essentials of music technology. In charge of the workshops were tutor Aniruddha Das and youth worker John Pandit, also a noted DJ; with one of their students, a 15-year-old Bengali rapper named Deedar Zaman, they soon formed a sound system that they called the Asian Dub Foundation. After each adopted an alias -- bassist/tabla...


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