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Yma Sumac


Born: 13 September 1922

Died: 01 November 2008

Years Active: 50, 60, 70

Genres: Easy Listening, Vocal

Styles: Exotica, Exotica/Lounge

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A singer with an amazing four-octave range, Yma Sumac was said to have been a descendant of Inca kings, an Incan princess that was one of the Golden Virgins. Her offbeat stylings became a phenomenon of early-'50s pop music. While her album covers took advantage of her strange costumes and voluptuous figure, rumors abounded that she was, in actuality, a housewife named Amy Camus. It mattered little because there has been no one like her before or since in the annals of popular music. According to the Sumac legend, she was the sixth child of an ...


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