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Yerba Buena



Years Active: 2000

Genres: Latin, Electronic, International

Styles: Club/Dance, Dance, Latin Pop, Latin America, Latin America, Salsa, Tropical, Plena

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The Latin American collective Yerba Buena was organized by producer and multi-instrumentalist Andres Levin, a native Venezuelan who'd appeared on records by Marisa Monte, Arto Lindsay, Aterciopelados, and Tina Turner, as well as helming the critically acclaimed Fela Kuti tribute Red Hot + Riot. Yerba Buena arose from Levin's wish to bring together a band capable of melding forms old and new, learning from each other in the form of a school. Gradually, the lineup coalesced, including vocalists Xiomara Laugart, Cucu Diamantes, and El Chino, percu...


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