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Vashti Bunyan


Born: 06 May 2011

Years Active: 60, 70, 2000

Genres: Folk, Pop/Rock, Country

Styles: British Folk, Celtic/British Isles, Traditional Folk, Singer/Songwriter, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock

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Vashti Bunyan is a folk chanteuse and singer/songwriter, best known for her 1970 album Just Another Diamond Day, which was rediscovered in the 21st century and dusted off with a new CD issue as one of the great musical finds of its era. Born in London in 1945 -- and counting herself a direct descendant of writer/preacher John Bunyan (1629-1688) -- she first took up the guitar while a student at the Ruskin School of Fine Art and Drawing, from which she was ultimately expelled at age 18 for spending too much time writing songs and not enough time...

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