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Formed: 2001

Died: 01 January 2007

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Jazz

Styles: Post-Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Indie Electronic, Indie Pop, Post-Bop, Hard Bop, Modal Music

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A trio of technically proficient and experimentally focused musicians who bring together elements of post-bop jazz, ambient electronica, post-rock, electro-acoustic music, free improvisation, and musique concréte, the Australian group Triosk first came to the attention of international experimental music listeners thanks to the somewhat unlikely circumstance of a collaboration with the German microhouse producer Jan Jelinek. Formed in Sydney in 2001 by conservatory-trained pianist Adrian Klumpes, bassist Ben "Donny" Waples, and drummer/percuss...


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