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Tommy Mccook


Born: 03 March 1927

Died: 05 May 1998

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90

Genres: Reggae, International

Styles: Ska, Reggae/Caribbean, Reggae/Caribbean, Rocksteady

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The leader of the legendary Skatalites, tenor saxophonist Tommy McCook was among the most innovative and influential Jamaican musicians of his generation, a prime catalyst behind the evolution and international popularity of ska and reggae. Born in 1932, McCook learned to play sax while attending Kingston's Alpha Cottage School, an institution for wayward boys; upon exiting the school at the age of 14, he toured with the dance bands of Eric Deans and Roy Coburn, emerging as a highly skilled jazz player. Between the late '40s and early '50s, he ...


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