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Tom Rush


Born: 08 February 1941

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Folk, Pop/Rock, Blues, Country

Styles: Singer/Songwriter, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Contemporary Folk, Folk-Blues, Acoustic Blues, Country Blues, Traditional Folk

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Tom Rush came up in the Boston/Cambridge folk scene of the early '60s, playing folk-blues on a series of albums for Prestige Records, then moved to Elektra, and by the late '60s was interpreting the work of such upcoming writers as Joni Mitchell and James Taylor. By the early '70s, he was mixing his own songs on albums for Columbia. More recently, Rush became something of a folk packager, putting together road shows including newer folk performers. After 35 years away from the recording studio, Rush returned with the Appleseed Records release W...


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