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Thousand Foot Krutch

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, R&B, Rap

Styles: Christian Metal, Hard Rock, Christian Rap, Hip-Hop/Urban, Hip-Hop/Urban, Rap-Metal, Alternative Metal, Alternative Pop/Rock, Heavy Metal

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Toronto-area Christian rockers Thousand Foot Krutch first appeared in 1997, when Trevor McNevan, Joel Bruyere, and Steve Augustine started putting a worship song spin on a rap-metal sound similar to Limp Bizkit or Korn. After building a buzz around Ontario with numerous shows, a strong demo, and thriving trade of MP3s through its website, Thousand Foot Krutch signed with Diamante and issued Set It Off, its official debut, in March 2001. The album featured a rap-rockified version of EMF's "Unbelievable," tricked out with a Christian-themed rap f...


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