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The Lilac Time


Formed: 1987

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Alternative Pop/Rock, College Rock, Adult Alternative Pop/Rock

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Following a brief solo career under both his own name and the moniker Tin Tin, Stephen Duffy put together the Lilac Time, which traded in his former synth pop excursions for pastoral, folky English pop strongly recalling Skylarking-era XTC. Joined by Mickey Harris, Nick Duffy, and Michael Giri, Duffy crafted several eclectic albums making use of traditional instruments, beginning with a self-titled debut in 1988. 1989's Paradise Circus offered a bit of country & western influence, which was largely abandoned on 1990's ...& Love for All, partial...

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