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Sugar Minott


Born: 25 May 1956

Died: 10 July 2010

Years Active: 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Reggae, International

Styles: Dancehall, Reggae/Caribbean, Reggae/Caribbean, Roots Reggae, Contemporary Reggae, Lovers Rock, Ragga

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Few artists had the impact on Jamaica's dancehall scene as Sugar Minott. His releases provided the blueprints for the rise of the contemporary dancehall style, he was also equally influential as a producer, and his extraordinarily popular sound system helped launch numerous new DJs into the limelight. Lincoln Barrington Minott was born in Kingston, Jamaica, on May 25, 1956. He began his career in the sound systems while still a child, working as a selector for the Sound of Silence Keystone outfit, before launching his own Gathering of Youth so...


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