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Soulja Boy Tell'em


Born: 28 July 1990

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Rap, Electronic, R&B

Styles: Gangsta Rap, Hip-Hop/Urban, Hardcore Rap, Hip-Hop/Urban, Pop-Rap

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Before he reached the age of 18, Soulja Boy Tell Em (born DeAndre Way; originally Soulja Boy until copyright issues interfered) was already an ambitious artist and a seasoned businessman, wielding all the hitmaking requirements: producer, live entertainer, and an ability to write catchy hooks. Born in 1990 in Chicago, IL, Way moved from the Windy City down to Atlanta when he was six years old, but then went to live with his father in Batesville, MS at age 14. In Mississippi, the young entertainer found all the various connections to pursue a mu...


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