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Small Faces


Formed: 1965

Died: 01 January 1978

Years Active: 60, 70

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: British Invasion, Psychedelic/Garage, Mod, British Psychedelia, Psychedelic, AM Pop, Early Pop/Rock, Pop/Rock

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The Small Faces were the best English band never to hit it big in America. On this side of the Atlantic, all anybody remembers them for is their sole stateside hit, "Itchycoo Park," which was hardly representative of their psychedelic sound, much less their full musical range -- but in England, the Small Faces were one of the most extraordinary and successful bands of the mid-'60s, serious competitors to the Who and potential rivals to the Rolling Stones.Lead singer/guitarist Steve Marriott's formal background was on the stage; as a young teena...


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