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Formed: 2001

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, Alternative Metal, Alternative Pop/Rock, Heavy Metal, Post-Grunge, Alternative/Indie Rock

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Melodic hard rockers Shinedown hail from Jacksonville, FL, and originally featured vocalist Brent Smith, guitarist Jasin Todd, bassist Brad Stewart, and drummer Barry Kerch. Snapped up by Atlantic Records during the early-2000s flurry of post-Creed and Nickelback signings, the group released its debut album, Leave a Whisper, in 2003. Whisper ended up doing quite well for the band (eventually going platinum), aided by its single, "Fly from the Inside." Shinedown also supported it with a heroic slate of live shows, remaining on tour for most of 2...


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    2022-08-09 19:25:31 from David .

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