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Sainkho Namtchylak


Born: 01 January 1957

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Avant-Garde, International, Jazz, Pop/Rock

Styles: Throat Singing, Asian Folk, Central Asia, Free Improvisation, Improvised Music, Avant-Garde Jazz, Free Jazz, World Fusion, Latin Jazz/World Fusion, Latin Jazz/World Fusion, Experimental, Modern Composition

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With her shaved head and seven-octave range, Sainkho Namtchylak would stand out on any stage. Add her particular mix of Tuvan throat-singing and avant-garde improvisation, and she becomes an unforgettable figure. The daughter of a pair of schoolteachers, she grew up in an isolated village on the Tuvan/Mongolian border, exposed to the local overtone singing -- something that was generally reserved for the males; in fact, females were actively discouraged from learning it (even now, the best-known practitioners remain male, artists like Huun-Huur...


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