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Roy Harper


Born: 12 June 1941

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Folk, Blues, Country

Styles: Blues-Rock, Electric Texas Blues, Modern Electric Blues, Modern Electric Texas Blues, Rock & Roll/Roots, Singer/Songwriter, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Folk-Rock, Folk/Country Rock, Psychedelic, Psychedelic/Garage, Celtic/British Isles, Traditional Folk, British Folk-Rock, British Folk, Album Rock, Hard Rock

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An idiosyncratic British singer/songwriter acclaimed for his deeply personal, poetic lyrics and unique guitar work, Roy Harper was born June 12, 1941, in Manchester, England. As a teen he tenured with De Boys, his brothers' skiffle band, before leaving home at the age of 15 to enter the Royal Air Force; he subsequently secured a discharge by claiming insanity, resulting in a long period marked by frequent stays in mental institutions (where he was the subject of ECT treatments) and prison. Harper later drifted throughout Europe, and by 1965 was...


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