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Patricia Kaas


Born: 05 December 1966

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Vocal, Pop/Rock, International

Styles: French Pop, Foreign Language Rock, Foreign Language Rock, Vocal Pop, Traditional Pop, Vocal/Standards

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Chanteuse Patricia Kaas was born in France's Lorraine region, where she began performing as a youth; by age 11, she even held a residency at the Rumpelkammer Club in Sarrebrucken, Germany, over time honing a distinct style updating the French chanson tradition with elements of pop, blues and jazz. Scoring her first national hit in 1987 with "Mademoiselle Chante le Blues," Kaas was named Female Newcomer of the Year at the Victoires de la Musique, and her debut album Mademoiselle Chante earned platinum status in France, Belgium and Switzerland; t...


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