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Pale Saints


Formed: 1987

Died: 01 January 1996

Years Active: 80, 90

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Dream Pop, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Noise Pop, Indie Pop, Shoegaze

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Ethereal pop band the Pale Saints formed in Leeds, England, in 1987. Ian Masters (bass/vocals), Chris Cooper (drums), and Graeme Naysmith (guitar) were signed by Ivo Watts-Russell to his 4AD label on the strength of their first London appearance. The three-song Barging into the Presence of God was released two years later, receiving praise for its lead track, the melancholy "Sight of You" (which was later covered by Oxford's Ride for a radio session). In 1990, the debut LP The Comforts of Madness appeared in the bins, produced separately by Gil...


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