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Born: 02 November 1966

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, International

Styles: Euro-Pop, Europop

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German singing sensation Nicki, born Doris Hrda, was discovered when she was only 16 years old by producer and songwriter Gog Seidl, and she signed her first record contract shortly after. In 1983 her debut single, with lyrics in the Bavarian dialect (a tradition she continued throughout her career), "Servus, Mach's Guat," came out, followed by the full-length Servus Nicki in 1984. Releasing nearly an album a year for the next decade, Nicki made her name known with songs like "So a Wunder," "Wegen Dir," "Mei Schönster Traum," "I Bin a Bayerisc...


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